Friday, October 24, 2014

Colloidal Silver Canada

Medically approved silver products are used every day in hospitals and healthcare centers. Chances are the catheters and burn-wound dressings being used today at your local hospital are silver-impregnated.

Make sure you choose a 10 part-per-million formula that consists of only ultra-pure water and silver and has the smallest particle size possible. Look and ask for photographic documentation by the company. Our recommended formula is Sovereign Silver. We have reviewed extensive data on this formulation and have found it to be highly effective at the lowest dosages. That means it is perhaps the most biologically active silver formula available. 

Sovereign Silver, Colloidal Silver,  Dropper, 236ml

Price $28.94, FREE SHIPPING in North America

Silver is one of those age-old remedies that ought to be in every home's medicine cabinet. Its uses are varied, medically documented, and proven to be highly effective for supporting the body's immune system. At the very least, we think that silver ought to be in every home's emergency preparedness kit simply for helping to disinfect water. (Silver is used to disinfect water throughout the world.) 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

SierraSil Joint Formula 14 - Supports Joint Health and Mobility

Sierrasil, Joint Formula14, 180 caps

Subscribe to Sierrasil Coupons & Sierrasil, Joint Formula14, 180 caps discounts.
Sierrasil, Joint Formula14, 180 caps - Start feeling better in 14 days or less. SierraSil Joint Formula14 contains SierraSil, a pure, all natural mineral powder with essential minerals including calcium, iron, silicon, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc.



Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar on Sale - Free shipping is included

We have a big 3.76 liter jar of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar on Sale - Free shipping is included.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a super food. There are many health benefits and you can easily find out about them by searching information online. If you did not research the product yet, below are some highlights:


  • Rich in enzymes & potassium
  • Support a healthy immune system
  • Helps control weight
  • Promotes digestion & ph Balance
  • Helps soothe dry throats
  • Helps remove body sludge toxins
  • Helps maintain healthy skin
  • Helps promote youthful, healthy bodies
  • Soothes irritated skin
  • Relieves muscle pain from exercise

"Apple Cider Vinegar is the icing on the cake. I had always heard about Apple Cider Vinegar... everyone in the world should be drinking this on a daily basis! - Dr. Steven Gibb


Bragg, Apple Cider Vinegar, Certified Organic, Raw, Non-GMO, 128 oz, 3.76 ltr, 1 gallon
Bragg, Apple Cider Vinegar,
Price $29.98, FREE SHIPPING

Also we have Colloidal Silver on Sale at the moment. If you use colloidal silver, please have a look:


Sovereign Silver, Colloidal Silver,  Dropper, 236ml

Price $28.94, FREE SHIPPING